“Like a lotus flower, we too have the ability to rise from the mud…bloom out of the darkness and radiate into the world”. –unknown It’s so easy to get stuck in the mud when it comes to day-to-day happenings. Interpersonal conflict, the never-ending adulting headaches of work, bills, deadlines—all that fun stuff. I was reflecting on this phenomenon this morning and thought about it. During the toughest jobs, the most difficult situations, and overall general times of crappiness, I don’t remember the day-to-day minutia. To be honest, I reflect through a different lens. I remember the fun times, the acts of kindness, the adventures and friendships I had (or still have), and the opportunities and help I had along the way. Just that one thought made me reflect on how things are for me right now. I am in the midst of a conflict at work that has escalated. That’s caused stress, tension, irritability, and physical tightness in my nec...
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